On February 14, the new multi-year work program for LIFE projects was published, based on the recently completed mid-term evaluation.
New features appear, such as the elimination of national allocations, which will imply that the projects will be approved according to their quality, regardless of the country from which they are submitted.
In addition, for the traditional projects of the Environment sub-program, a new procedure is introduced in two phases. A first phase, where a lighter memory will be presented, “concept note”, which will be evaluated and only those with good evaluation will be “invited” to present the full report.
For the Climate Action sub-program, the procedure has not been modified and will be presented as in past calls, the full report from the beginning.
From SF Consultores en Ayudas, S.L.N.E. It is at your disposal to clarify any doubts regarding this program and offer us to be the consultant that supports you in the application.