New ERA-NET Calls for international R&D projects.
The ERA-NET programs are integrated by countries of the European Union and other geographical areas to support collaboration between companies and entities from multiple states such as a large part of Latin America, Asia, etc.
Spain participates through CDTI in these programs that grant up to 60% of funds lost to finance the activities of national companies.
Each call appears with its specific theme, application deadlines and other set of characteristics to study specifically.
Throughout October, the impending call for two programs has been announced:
- ERA-NET EuroNanoMed3: nanomedicine focused on regenerative medicine, diagnostics and targeted administration systems.
- ERA-NET COBIOTECH 2018 for R&D Proposals in the field of biotechnology. The proposals must address sustainable production and the conversion of different types of raw materials and biological resources into value-added products, or the development or improvement of sustainable industrial processes and supply services. They must be multidisciplinary proposals and address one of the two topics of the call.
In the following link you can find more information about these programs: https://eshorizonte2020.es/mas-europa/grandes-iniciativas/era-nets
We are at your disposal for any questions about these calls.