From SF Consultores we have the necessary professional experience to help you in everything related to the justification of a research project. We have the necessary resources to justify research projects with investment of Regional Incentives as well as for the justification of grants already granted.
In accordance with the provisions of the Regulations of the General Subsidies Law, all aid granted by the Ministry of Economy based on the framework that defines the National R & D & I Plan must be justified. Many entrepreneurs believe they have everything tied up but this justification is based on rigor and requires technical complexity only available to professional consultants. In SF Consultores we can carry out the justification of the project that is being carried out in accordance with what is established by the Law and so stop worrying completely about this issue. Leave it in the hands of professionals.
More than 80% of the supporting files submitted to Regional Incentives are declared as non-compliant in the total or partial conditions. However, the vast majority of entrepreneurs think that everything is tied and that they are complying with the criteria at great length, subsequently taking the disappointment of not being able to collect the aid and thus collapsing the planning they had for their business project. This situation implies that this type of actions in which project justifications must be carried out, so as not to incur non-compliances (even if they are involuntary), must be carried out by specialists in the field.
The service of collection and justification of research projects with investment from Regional Incentives provided by SF Consultores is the best guarantee to ensure that a company will collect the total of the subsidy without problems and avoiding any delay, also reducing the waiting times.
Currently, it is very complex to make a justification report for a research project and that is why many companies that begin the procedures alone end up hiring a consultant specializing in these issues, such as SF Consultants.
We ensure and adequately justify the amount that has been granted. We review the necessary documentation so that the justification for this research project is adequate and in accordance with the criteria established by the Public Administration, as well as the development of specific programs, annexes, technical reports and other necessary documentation for each project. We also carry out an exhaustive follow-up and always in contact with the Public Administration technician, who we will also accompany in your visit for supervision in the final phase of justification of the project.