Do you know what to do to make your company efficient? It doesn’t matter if your business is an PYME or a large company since, the tips and the helps are comparable in any case.
- Think green
The first help that exists is yours. Remember that a good rate of light and the responsible consumption of energy is in your hand. To do this, it will be enough to contact your electric distributor because their commercials are experts in recommending to their customers the most competitive, ecological and flexible offer of SMEs in the market. If Iberdrola is your energy company and your company is located, for example, in Valencia, stop by one of its offices for technicians to guide you on the advantages offered by having a plan based on the < b> energy efficiency of a business. Prick here to obtain all the information about the service points of the marketer.
However and continuing through the Valencian Community, we emphasize that Endesa is also present in the field of energy savings for companies . Contact one of their commercials because they are able to design an energy rate according to the circumstances of your business. In this link you will find the guidelines to begin this process.
Remember: if you want your company to carry the efficient flag, consider saving, as much as possible, electricity, gas and water.
- European funds
The Institute for Diversification and Energy Saving ( IDAE ) opens a new call for grants with the objective of companies implementing savings measures, under the umbrella of the energy efficiency.
- Facilities energy audits.
- External and internal management systems.
- Replacing old industrial equipment with modern and less polluting machines.
These are some of the points that will be launched through the National Energy Efficiency Plan 2014-2020 . Some lines of action designed to meet various objectives set by the European Commission to reduce oil consumption , control raw materials capable of delivering energy to our companies and encourage companies not to waste electricity , gas or water.
Likewise, this aid framed in the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) aims to encourage energy efficiency in all senses and processes. It doesn’t matter if your company is technological, industrial or agricultural, nor does it take into account in which province of Spain it is located since, the subsidy is designed by and for everyone to make a better Europe. In this link you will find detailed information on the aid and its financing.
- Aid for Autonomous Communities
If we add to the subsidies in Europe all the ideas – transformed into aid – that the Autonomous Governments think, in a matter of months Spanish companies would be at the head of the self-sufficiency and energy efficiency. The reason is none other than the multiple regional plans aimed at creating a cleaner business sector and that emits less gas. Here are some of them:
- Use of indigenous and renewable resources.
- Rehabilitation of buildings.
- Investment projects to give way to a low carbon economy.
- Mobility and vehicles.
- Installation of renewable energies.
These are just a few examples that describe the options that all entrepreneurs have to make their business the most efficient of all . What are you waiting for to save energy while taking care of the Planet?