subvenciones en la inversión en la industria

Calls 2018 international collaborative R&D projects from 2-3 countries

Center for industrial technological development

INNOGLOBAL: I+D in international technological cooperation.

Aimed at Spanish companies that are members of international consortiums that include industrial research or experimental development activities. The development of innovative technologies is pursued which in turn imply a relevant technological and industrial advance.

Main features:

  • It is required to have submitted in parallel the application to international programs: multilateral (EUREKA, IBEROEKA, EUROSTARS), bilateral (Algeria, Brazil, among others) and unilateral
  • Open theme.
  • Call open all year.

  • Duration: 12-36 months.
  • Budget per company: € 150,000 -400,000.
  • 50% grant for small business, 40% medium business and 30% for large business.
    • Eligible expenses: personnel, equipment and instruments in full or amortization, subcontracting, consumables, other general expenses, in some cases indirect costs.
  • Possibility of subcontracting universities.
  • Participants: minimum two entities from two countries.

ERA-NETs, EUROPEAN networks supporting the I+D+i.

image eranetsOpportunities for the internationalization of I+D with lower risks and a higher success rate.

Each call establishes:

  • Financing conditions / Eligibility criteria / Application process.
  • In general:
    • Application in two phases, international and national.
  • Minimum budget 175.000 €.
  • Duration 12-36 months.
  • Subsidy of 60% small business, 50% medium business, 40% large business.
  • Eligible expenses: personnel, equipment and instruments in full or amortization, subcontracting, consumables, other general expenses, in some cases indirect costs.
  • Participants: minimum three entities from three countries.

Thematic and Calls ERA-NET 2018:

  • Sustainable Crops Production: (open until April 2018)
    • Priorities: predictive technologies for the improvement and development of new genotypes that lead to new phenotypes and crop varieties to improve plant health, protection, production and resilience; novel methods and practices of integrated pest and crop management; efficiency in the use of crop resources and crop systems; Systemic research on agricultural crops of an ecosystem.
  • Closing the water cycle: (Opening February 2018)
    • Priorities: sustainable management of water resources; strengthening of socio-economic approaches to water management; support tools for the sustainable integrative management of water resources.
  • Personalized medicine: (Opening February 2018)
    • Priorities: Validation, preclinical research and biomedical clinic; Analysis, management and data protection – integration of Big Data and TIC solutions
  • Smart energy systems (June 2018):
    • Priorities: intelligent energy systems; intersectoral integration and integration with local and regional development.
  • Photovoltaic solar energy. (opening March 2018)
    • Priorities: Photovoltaic Solar (Innovative and low-cost manufacturing, advanced products and applications, System Integration) and Concentration Solar (Cost reduction and system integration ).
  • Biotechnology (Opening Feb-March 2018)
    • Priorities: design and construction of new biological elements, systems for the optimization of biological processes, bioinformatics tools for the identification and use of metabolic pathways, as well as, biotechnological strategies for the transformation of intermediaries of biological base.
  • advanced manufacturing technologies (open until March 2018)
    • Priorities: Environmental and energy applications (including resource efficiency and recycling). New materials and compounds; engineering based on knowledge, information and communication technologies; adaptable technologies (join, assemble, remove: technologies, products and services related to manufacturing.

SF consultants has 18 years of experience in public aid.

SF has been dedicated for 18 years to the service of the most dynamic and innovative companies, promoting their business growth. If your company intends to undertake projects of this nature in 2018 and you want to opt for these lines successfully, please contact us at the phones listed below or by sending an email to, we will study your case, without obligation, in a personalized way.

Susi Climent
Head of International Projects