The NEOTEC 2018 call has recently been opened with the aim of supporting recently created Spanish small companies (since October 2015) whose activity is based on previous technological innovation developments.
This line not only supports I+D activities, but also investments related to market launch, industrial equipment, current expenses, etc.
Although the percentage of approvals is usually less than one in five applications, it is one of the highest aid in case it is granted, because not only does the fund with lost funds usually reach 70% of the costs, but also In addition, more than half of the aid granted before the justification of expenses is anticipated. The total budget, in any case, has increased by about 25% over last year.
The application deadline ends on October 2.
You can find more information on the official CDTI website, http://www.cdti.es/index.asp?MP=100&MS=879&MN=3.
If your company is interested in this help, we invite you to contact us to clarify any questions about it.